Run Stats
Tokyo Marathon 2023

The Tokyo Marathon is a prestigious annual long-distance running event held in Tokyo, Japan. Established in 2007, it quickly gained recognition as one of the world's major marathons, attracting elite athletes and amateur runners from all corners of the globe. The marathon typically takes place in late February or early March, offering participants a unique opportunity to experience the vibrant culture and modernity of Tokyo as they traverse the course.

The marathon route winds through the heart of Tokyo, passing by iconic landmarks such as the Tokyo Tower, Imperial Palace, and Asakusa Temple. Known for its well-organized race management and enthusiastic crowd support, the Tokyo Marathon provides an unforgettable race experience for runners of all abilities. With its blend of tradition and innovation, the event continues to captivate participants and spectators alike, solidifying its place as one of the premier marathons on the international stage.

Official web site
Competition Finishers Winners
Marathon Men 27926
Category Time Name
Men 02:05:21 DESO GELMISA
Marathon Women 8609
Category Time Name